Introduction: Learning Angular from scratch

Learning Angular from scratch, The beginning...

Introduction: Learning Angular from scratch

Hi! Web warriors...

Welcome to this Angular tutorial series. Here we're covering all the Angular concepts from ground zero. This blog series covers all versions of Angular starting from Angular 2 to the latest editions of it i.e. Angular 13. We will also cover some of the advanced Angular topics.

Using Angular framework, we can take advantage of a powerful TypeScript platform and tools to create applications for web, mobile, and desktop. With Angular, we have strong tools and design patterns to build either small or large web projects.

Project Overview

Alongside our learning, we are going to make an awesome project too. The project is about Survey Analysis where we can create a Survey by adding different types of questions, previewing them, and giving the survey link to others to attend it. After that, we can analyze the survey question by question that which option is maximumly answered and so on.

You can check out the project demo too. It is currently hosted on Firebase. Yes, we're gonna learn how to deploy our app too. Demo

Here are some screenshots of the app.

  • Survey Scripting Screenshot from 2022-01-29 23-57-07.png
  • Survey Screenshot from 2022-01-29 23-57-13.png
  • Analysis Screenshot from 2022-01-29 23-58-21.png

What we're gonna cover

  • Angular Intro
  • Angular CLI
  • Building blocks of Angular (Modules, Components, Services, Pipes, Directives and so on)
  • Routing
  • Guards and Resolvers

Other than that we will use:

  • Angular Material (Theming)
  • Firebase (Hosting)

So, without further ado, let's dive in.

Next blog What the heck is Angular?